Faster turnaround for your medical records when using electronic transfer!

Electronic transfer of medical records

Clinco has been at the forefront of digital documentation and data security in relation to pagination of medical records over the last few years.  There are still lots of firms out th­­ere using hard copies of medical records; but more and more are turning to digital format to read and transfer the information.  Several  firms now are totally paperless.  Others are paperlight – running at least one set of hard copy records alongside the electronic version.  Enthusiasm varies from firm to firm (and fee earner to fee earner) but most say that, however daunting the prospect at the outset, they would not go back to pure hard copy working.

Quicker turnaround

We have been able to deal with a couple of large urgent cases over the last few weeks by making the most of electronic transfer of records and documents.  Transfer of documents is instant when using a secure file transfer system.  Saving a day at each end will makes a big difference in an urgent case.  With no physical packing or movement of boxes, there are fewer stages within the processing of the work.


If the matter is an update, it makes even more difference. If we have had the case before, under our new systems we will already have the previously collated set in digital format and all we need are the additional records to integrate, update and return complete.  We completed and returned an update yesterday which had only arrived that morning.

Not all cases are urgent, but the use of electronic resources raises efficiency generally.  We are here to put those resources to work on your behalf and are also available to advise on electronic file transfer, records management and data security should that be required.  Get in touch if you would like to know more –

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