

sort only

For those who don’t require a chronology, or prefer to prepare these in-house, we will put the records into order, paginate them and prepare an easily navigable set of records for you and your expert. Your client will be able to see that the case has been well prepared and taken in hand.

A chronology is very often required, in which case we will identify the issues and extract the relevant entries from the collated medical records. It is crucial to an understanding of what happened, when – whether minute by minute, or year by year. We do not include irrelevant material, which just over-complicates the document. Where we have prepared the chronology, we can often comment in appropriate cases on the issues, and identify missing records in detail.


sort and chronology



Sometimes the records have already been sorted in-house, or they are too large for the cost of full sorting to be recoverable – as, for example, in the largest case we have come across of 105,000 pages. We are always able to provide a chronology only from the uncollated records. In those cases the records can always be partially sorted at a later date if needed, once the live issues are known.

We have extensive experience in selecting the key evidence and extracting it to a separate core bundle. 

If the main bundle has been collated, the core will have dual pagination and both page numbers can be referenced in the chronology should this be required.

Core bundle


We will schedule the imaging from a digital file or disc, and identify in any chronology whether the key imaging is present or not.
We are able to prepare any length of CTG scan or copy, but due to time constraints only for clients who use Clinco regularly for collation.


& other outsize
scanning and copying

Turnaround time

We usually turn records around within 14-21 days, but urgent cases will be dealt with more quickly on request. Get in touch if you have any queries on timing or particular requirements.

Need to discuss your requirements?

Our Legal Director, Sarah Wallace will contact you to discuss your requirements and advise on how Clinco can help provide the support you need.

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